Al-Amal's Second Conference of Disability - 2018

"From... to"

Istanbul, 16-17 March 2018


General Information:

In collaboration with its partners, Al-Amal Society for Development and Social Care succeeded to convene its First Conference of Disability held in Istanbul, in 2015, establishing a link between civil society institutions on one hand, and persons with disabilities on the other. Al-Amal took advantage of that conference to introduce substantial programs and genuine services, and since persons with disabilities constitute a major social category and possess massive creativity capabilities, Al-Amal determinately decided to organize its Second Conference of Disability-2018 "From... to". This conference is intended to be an example of cooperation and creativity as it will be marked by relevant initiatives.


The Idea:

Its idea is based mainly on establishing contacts and links between stakeholders interested in bringing about a positive change on the lives of persons with disabilities through the launch of individual, collective or corporate initiatives. Originators of initiatives might be either persons with disabilities themselves or just people or institutions from outside this category. However, these initiatives should have left a positive impact that shored up and advanced the situation of persons with disabilities.


The Targets:

  1. Set up an International platform that harmonizes the initiatives gearedfor persons with disabilities.
  2. Encourage the launch of substantial initiatives so that to be exemplary models in order to create user-friendly environments for the benefit of persons with disabilities.
  3. Amalgamate the spent efforts, and support the issues of persons with disabilities.
  4. Alleviate the post-war and disasters consequences that lead to the increasing numbers of persons with disabilities worldwide.

Conference Activities:

The Media Materials:

"From… To” - 2018 Conference Brief
"Shining Suns” - 2015 Conference Brief

